Truth. Honesty. The Current State of Affairs.
In this time of folx saying whatever they want, does truth matter? is truth a matter of perspective? Is there such a thing as broader, universal truths? What is the […]
Curiosity: A Practice for These Times
Threshold Time: Dream Life to Waking Life
In my dreams last night, a golden eagle flew overhead swooping down around me and eventually landed on my arm, its large talons wrapped securely around my forearm. In […]
Existing in These Times, Thriving in These Times.
Here we are, right before what we call, “The Holidays.” “It is a strange and wonderful fact to be here, walking around in a body, to have a whole world […]
Wellness & Peace in a Chaotic, Violent World
Here we are at the threshold of holiday season. Earlier this week, on the eve of Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day acknowledging the violence against and murder of Transgender […]
Body Sovereignty
****TRIGGER WARNING. Mention of rape and suicidal ideation.****** Exhaustion. Grief. Anger. I don’t allow these to isolate or separate me from my own humanity or my body, or other Beings […]
Random Thoughts and Ramblings
Random Thoughts and Ramblings: I love that Gen Z is falling in love with Kate Bush. I could care less about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. My early summer perennial […]
Paying Attention to Dreams.
I walk in the dark night, staying next to buildings lest I cast a shadow. Seeking to blend my footsteps into the rhythm of the subtle night sounds, traffic, other […]
Hybrid Life: My Virtual Reality
This past Saturday, hosting a petition signing for a friend to get on the Democratic ballot for State Rep, our tea kettle remained on the whole day while folks gathered […]
International Women’s Day 2022
“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.” ― Muriel Rukeyser The International Women’s Day (March 8) celebrates the […]