Discover the Resonance Within
it's time to play!
Embodied Practices of Music and Movement utilizes simple songs/chants from many cultures including Ireland, Americana, Native American, West African, Jewish and African American as well as from other song leaders, and mantras from the yogic tradition.
Experience the healing power of music in community!
Receive music as medicine. Each song/chant has it’s own wisdom
Explore music and cultural appreciation as Source culture and origin of song and context is honored and acknowledged.
Harmonize with musical pieces that reflect universal themes of love, grace, peace, reconciliation, forgiveness of self and others. Rachel also composes many little medicine bundles of music for these experiences.
Integrate Sound and Music together with your body and voice to find the ultimate in self expression with tools you always have, your breath, your voice and your body.
Discover your inner child. Rachel has an extensive library of original chants and movement pieces that are accessible to all regardless of musical or movement experience.
Integrate spirit and body, wisdom and love, letting go and connecting.
Experience through making music, the acceptance, compassion and love that surround us always. This engagement has the potential to release us from our fears and surrender into Love.
Rachel offers this practice at workshops, retreats and gatherings regionally, nationally and internationally and brings this practice into community based settings. Please contact her to book and schedule this workshop at your next retreat or conference!

The Work That Reconnects
Find true wisdom for challenging times in The Work that Reconnects, teachings and practices developed by root teacher Joanna Macy meant to be explored in group settings.
Discover how to move from headspace to heartspace and beyond with easy to apply methods for group and individual processes.
Join Rachel in experiencing this liberating work that supports us making strides towards a life sustaining culture for all species. Music and community singing weave and support the teachings of The Work That Reconnects.
Explore empowerment even in the face of challenges with these teachings and practices that hundreds of thousands of people across the world have been profoundly impacted in their outlook and ability to act in the world.
Contact Rachel, a student of Joanna Macy’s and a WTR facilitator to explore how this practice might support your organization’s growth/development and/or as part of a retreat/conference/training program/

Mantra & Mudra
Connect the practice of mantra (sung repeated phrases) with the sacred science of mudra (Hand position) with intention for optimal benefit. Both mantra and mudra are practices from the yogic tradition.
- Explore the subtle wisdom of mantra and mudra ,
- Discover mantra and mudra that open and connect the heart center
- Awaken to the healing and transforming power of both of these ancient practices.