50 Years Old! The Second Half of Life!
Today I am 50 years old. 50 years of living and learning on EarthSchool. The election happened less than a week ago and I feel like I am slowly moving […]
Dreams. Rebirth. Renew. Restore
Picture above is my dog Little Man who is always dreaming! I don’t often remember my dreams. My husband does a lot of dream work and has done this for […]
Fragility and Resilience. Grace and Grit
Human beings are a fascinating combination of fragility and resilience. I have the privilege as well as the ongoing heartbreak of witnessing this in many arenas. I see the fragmentation […]
Here. Now. Listening. Learning. Growing.
I lie down on the floor and breath and just allow myself to be swallowed whole by love. It feels almost as though there are living, breathing currents beneath me […]
Choosing Love. Choosing Connection.
I have felt lately like I am being swallowed whole by the overwhelming fear, mistrust, divisiveness and polarization that is our current state of affairs. This state is unlikely […]
Renew. Reclaim. Restore. One layer at a time.
The hardest thing ever ( least for me), is committing to the ongoing process of my growth, transformation and healing. Having a great deal of experience in living in denial, self […]
Mother’s Day. Let’s Be Real
Mother’s Day brings up a whole gamut of emotions. For those who have lost mothers and feel the pain of grief and separation. For those who have had mothers who […]
The Creative Process: Living and Being in the Flow
I have never in my adult professional life applied for a job through an advertised opening of a position. I have always created my own work and for most of […]
Reconciliation: Grounded Activism in Challenging Times
There is something about being in the body physically for so much of what I do, teaching Yoga, playing and singing with the harp in hospice and also dancing that […]
I hurt today, but I refuse to hate.
This week in my community a public press release revealed the grand jury investigation surrounding the sexual abuse of children by many clergy in the Altoona Catholic Diocese. Not only […]