What is this thing called Presence? What comes to mind when you think of Presence? How do you know if you are experiencing Presence? It is a word heard often […]
Beltaine. Passion, Power & The Celtic Wheel
Dolores Whelan, teacher of Celtic spiritual and wisdom traditions guides explorations of how ancient wisdom can form and shape values in which a new society can be formed. Joanna Macy, […]
Ahimsa & Satya. Fierce Tenderness
Cancel culture cloaked in self righteousness is easy to access. It is this reactive, defensive mode that is readily available to most of us (including me for full transparency). […]
Holy Week 2023
Jesus wept. This is the shortest verse in the Bible. John 11, verse 35. This is the story where Jesus is grieving due to the death of his friend […]
Truth. Honesty. The Current State of Affairs.
In this time of folx saying whatever they want, does truth matter? is truth a matter of perspective? Is there such a thing as broader, universal truths? What is the […]
Longing & Light
6:50 AM. The morning light is slowly brightening through the orange curtains into my yoga space, formerly my home studio. Prior to this slow turning toward the sun, in […]
Curiosity: A Practice for These Times
Threshold Time: Dream Life to Waking Life
In my dreams last night, a golden eagle flew overhead swooping down around me and eventually landed on my arm, its large talons wrapped securely around my forearm. In […]
Existing in These Times, Thriving in These Times.
Here we are, right before what we call, “The Holidays.” “It is a strange and wonderful fact to be here, walking around in a body, to have a whole world […]
Wellness & Peace in a Chaotic, Violent World
Here we are at the threshold of holiday season. Earlier this week, on the eve of Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day acknowledging the violence against and murder of Transgender […]