Coming Back to Life

A path in the woods. The trees on one side of the path create an arch over the path. Buds are emerging on the trees.

Coming Back to Life Authenticity is vulnerable. There is also great strength in showing up with our raw tender spaces that can only transform with our own and perhaps other […]

The Power of Ritual

On a perfect late summer evening, spread out on the grass on all sides of the pavilion, people stood in clusters carefully opening the envelopes that held painted lady butterflies. […]


What is this thing called Presence? What comes to mind when you think of Presence? How do you know if you are experiencing Presence? It is a word heard often […]

Beltaine. Passion, Power & The Celtic Wheel

  Dolores Whelan, teacher of Celtic spiritual and wisdom traditions guides explorations of how ancient wisdom can form and shape values in which a new society can be formed. Joanna Macy, […]

Longing & Light

  6:50 AM. The morning light is slowly brightening through the orange curtains into my yoga space, formerly my home studio. Prior to this slow turning toward the sun, in […]

Threshold Time: Dream Life to Waking Life

  In my dreams last night, a golden eagle flew overhead swooping down around me and eventually landed on my arm, its large talons wrapped securely around my forearm. In […]

Random Thoughts and Ramblings

Random Thoughts and Ramblings: I love that Gen Z is falling in love with Kate Bush. I could care less about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. My early summer perennial […]