Yoga & The Third Way

Background of the Palestinian Flag with letters on a ribbon.

Yoga & The Third Way How do we show up when everything in the world is fragmented and burning? Why do we continue to respond to harm with inflicting greater […]

We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home

People walking toward light with the words overhead. We are all just walking each other home

We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home. Music for the Journey I enter into the dimly light room. The patient is curled up in the fetal position, his breath […]

Everything is Broken. Everything is Beautiful.

Everything is Broken. Everything is Beautiful. (Susan Cain) Sitting in the spaciousness of brokenness and beauty. Brokenness is everywhere. Gaza. Sudan Democratic Republic of the Congo Political Polarization. Our world […]

Music is Medicine

Image of Rachel, a white woman with gray hair playing a shruti box. A Celtic harp sits on the floor beside her.

Music is Medicine It is both so simple and yet so profound to use music as a support for the life/death transition. I play the Celtic harp and also use […]

What is Your Medicine?

What is Your Medicine? What words are holding you right now? What songs are you walking with on the journey? How do you build capacity for the intensity of these […]

Sankalpa: Intentions & The New Year

Metal art sculptures of silhouettes in a field

Sankalpa- Connecting to the Deepest Desire of Your Heart   My Realization of the Power of Intention Ten years ago I had the job I believed I would do for […]

Morning in Kathmandu: Peace & Devotion

Morning in Kathmandu     We rose before dawn. Roosters crowed and cows mooed as we walked in the brisk morning air through the green walled streets of Budhalinkantha. The […]

Letting Go -Aparagraha- A Practice for Autumn

Letting Go – Aparagraha – A Practice for Autumn.   Often, I find myself carrying constriction/tightness/tension in my body for no apparent reason. It could be the mid to high […]