Summer. What’s Next Ain’t Easy.

Summer   Summer. The Joys/dreams/memories and longings of summer. It seems the pace of life slows down, perhaps this allows us to savor both sunrise and sunset. At sunrise, the […]

Justice and Tenderness

  A question I ask myself often: How is it possible that we continue to navigate daily life with so much violence in our society? Is this a sign of […]

Small Acts of Kindness. Biomimicry and Compassion

Have you ever in your life, suffered in silence, screaming inwardly, the fractured pieces of your life crumbling, barely functioning, but out of fear, guilt and shame you internalized enormous […]

2020. Out With the Old, In With the New.

 2020. Out with the Old, In with the New! (January of 2020, Vagina Monologues Rehearsal in the Home studio) 2020, a year like no other. Beginning the year with directing […]

Last Blessing Blog of 2020 + Your Playlist!

May the weariness aching in your bones, borne of grief, loss and isolation, find you arriving at last, in blessed rest, restoring, healing and fortifying you for the months ahead. […]

Blessing # 13 New Moon

Blessing for Challenging Times/Week # 13 May your heart receive many small moments of grace. May you be sustained, nourished and replenished in spaces of illumination and joy. May the […]