Curiosity: A Practice for These Times


                                                               The curious mind is a healthy mind.

Merging inquiry without judgement is akin to a childlike state of wonder and awe.

 Certainty to me lacks a sense of adventure. It feels like a closed door, an enclosed space, a box without wrappings and signifies a lack of possibility, of emergence.

Inviting curiosity is spacious and also grounded.

Laying on my yoga mat, I am curious about the relationship between the parts of my body, the back of my head, shoulder girdle, elbows, fingertips, pelvic girdle, (Knees bent), the toes, ball mounds and heels touching the solid earth and the places of space between my body and the earth; the cervical spine (neck), the lumbar spine (lower back), backs of my legs, palms of my hands and arches of my feet. My inquiry seeks awareness of the elegant architecture of my being and how physical contact and space responds to the oscillation of my inhalation and exhalation in this relationship between space, fluidity and stability.

There is much to be curious about.

What does it mean to be here now? To exist in these times?

What does it mean to fully embrace the tenderness of life right now?

To lean into the unknown?

To bring forth what lies deep within you as an offering to The Living System of Gaia?

Pay Attention!

To Babies/Children/The Elders/Trees/Other Species/Connection/The Fascial Network-your tissues-these internal koshas that contain all the layers of your Being, the stardust, the minerals, the microbes, the fluid, the resonant space of your Being/Belonging to the Cosmos.

Be Curious and Kind Dear Ones!


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