I am a Survivor of Sexual Assault-Post Election Reflection

This Can’t be Real

*Heads Up. This post discusses SA and Rape.

My heart hurts, aches and feels shattered. Last night I went to bed feeling numb and in a state of disbelief. Throughout the night, I tossed and turned only to finding waking life to be a nightmare of epic proportions.

On November 5th, 2024, an adjudicated rapist, a serial sexual predator was elected President of the United States.

Betrayal. Rage. Grief. I rage at the millions of men and WOMEN that voted for this guy. It feels like a sucker punch to the gut. There existed a TON of reasons not to vote for this guy AND this one is personal to me.

If you, like me, live as a survivor of rape and sexual assault, your journey of healing may often resemble a spiral rather than a linear path. The numbness, or anxiety may be in high gear today.

I am filled with so much tenderness and compassion for all of us and any pain, sorrow, feelings of rage, betrayal that exist for you right now.

I have some words for you right now. I hope this can serve as a support for your heart, your entire Being.

  • First, you are not alone. We know that the experience of trauma that continues to show up in our bodies/psyches can feel isolating.
    You are not alone in feeling any of your feelings.
  • You have the right to feel however you feel and recognize it can be triggering to be told to “just get over it.”
  • Ask yourself often in this time and in the times to come-What do I need right now? Hydration? Movement? Rest? Nature? A supportive friend?- Check in with yourself often, maybe setting timers on your phone to orient yourself towards radical self care.
  • THERAPY. Please call your therapist, counselor or schedule a visit with your local rape crisis center (see below for national hot line) if your numbness and/or anxiety becomes too much to handle on your own.
  • RECOGNIZE YOU ARE NOT BROKEN!!!! There is nothing wrong with you. There is definitely something seriously wrong with a culture that excuses, uplifts and even elect serial sexual predators.
  • We (you and I and all of us) will continue to heal together, root out the causes of harm and be part of transforming this culture. It may take awhile. It may not be today, but we are strong as survivors and fearless together. #metoo



National Sexual Assault Confidential 24/7 support






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