Nominations for NOBEL MENOPAUSE!



Raise your hand if you went through menopause during the dumpster fire of the current times and recent past.

Keep your hand raised if you want a parade ceremony with you riding comfortably in a a Mercedes convertible equipped with lovely, plush cushions, wearing yoga pants or any elastic waistband options with wine/kombucha/tea or whatever the fuck you want to imbibe.

It goes without saying that Beyonce’s Girls: Who Runs The World as well as other feminist playlists that support scream singing women’s empowerment are accompanying this parade, the streets lined with folks in awe of this achievement, here to witness and pay you due homage.

Raise your other hand if you also want people to bring you sandwiches/snacks/cash/random cool things like tiaras and sashes/and/or variously sized vintage t-shirts that don’t easily show armpit sweat.

If you survived the intensity of a global pandemic, the trump presidency, the election, extreme weather patterns, your family, endless Zoom meetings where people did not know how to mute/unmute/use their cameras properly, and all the other late 2019/ all of 2020/ and so far most of 2021/ bullshit DURING MENOPAUSE, you are literally Nobel material.

If everyone around you is still intact, even those with minor flesh wounds, you are RANKING for Nobel MENOPAUSE.



NOBEL MENOPAUSE is a new global award recognizing the badassery of menopausal women during times of duress.

Since 1901, Nobel prizes have been awarded for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace.

This new category has been submitted for review in 2020 and without bothering to wait for the approval of old, white men, it overwhelmingly was passed by women and non-binary folks all over the Globe!


If you are nominating yourself or another Menopausal wonder, please share:

  • Particular acts of badassery that contributed to smashing the patriarchy.
  • How dressing, living, loving, playing and eating are on your own terms.
  • Anything else of interest and inspiration to fully embody who You are with Radical Acceptance.

Our NOBEL MENOPAUSE Ceremony will also honor all those who advocated for napping, deep, nourishing rest, snacking, self and community care. You have been our lifeline. Many of us care for elderly parents and also still raise our own children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews/neighborhood kids during Menopause. We fucking embody Resilience.

Receiving accolades, shout outs,  hand knit uteruses and uteruses made of clay that can be hung in a festive manner on Christmas trees or anywhere uteruses can be displayed are the people in our lives that didn’t shut down or try to water down/deny/mansplain our experience, but let us turn on the damn fan in the dead of winter and listened without judgment.


So, let’s do this ceremony!

The festivities will be held on Zoom so we can include our global village of bad ass femmes who have gone through some shit while entering the phase of The Wise Woman!

Who is in?

Nominations received at [email protected] for NOBEL MENOPAUSE Committee Review.

Please consider nominating as well as attending our ceremony.

NOBEL MENOPAUSE loosely scheduled for January 2022.

See you magnificent Beings soon.










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