Yearning & Longing in this Human Existence

Yearning/Longing is part of the human existence.


We witness longing in the Judeo-Christian sacred texts in The Song of Songs and The Psalms, the poetry of Rumi, Hafiz, Kabir, Mary Oliver, the phrasing of Billie Holiday’s intimate relationship between melody and word, the music of Kendrick Lamar, and the sound of the modes, Aeolian and Mixlodyian in Celtic music all contain longing. This is not a comprehensive list, but a micro intro to sink your teeth into longing.

Landscape in the form of longing, can be found in the shape of rolling hills, the craggy spires of mountains, the bubbling of streams, vastness of the ocean , texture of the wetlands, and the array of stars in the night sky. Landscapes that whisper, wail and speak of longing where the ancestors stood and wondered, mourned, celebrated and questioned.

The moon in all its phases evokes awe and wonder in me constantly.

The very bones in my body yearn for slow, close contact with the wood on my floor, the forest, for places where I can unfurl into a wild existence feeling and sensing connections, roots intertwined like the bodies of lovers, following curiosity, wonder and awe into playfulness, and finally, blessed, blessed rest.


I often have feared and backed away from yearning and longing.

Yearnings/Longings can be mistaken (by me) for the need to:

scroll on social media

buy more books

             cook enormous amounts of food

(although now, we have a Chinese student living with us who seems to appreciate me mistaking my own longing for the need to feed people.)

When I can pay attention to yearnings/longings that can lead to insatiable cravings and meet them before they escalate and I look up and an hour has passed on social media, more books are coming my way and I am preparing 4 dishes at one time, this serves me well.

At 55, almost 56 years of age, I know very little about anything, but especially I know shit about any types of sports, pop culture, fashion, celebrities, crypto-currency and so much more.

What I do know a little about that helps me meet and welcome my longing with compassion.

Life at the extremes is not healthy.

Tending and befriending one’s nervous system is always a good choice.

Curiosity and a sense of humor are essentials to pack and use frequently in everyday life.

Sitting on the shoreline of the ocean, absorbing waves, tides, the birds, the dance of Atlantic Ghost Crabs, the play of dolphins, the expanse and texture of sky, clouds, a lone surfer, all as the sun slowly sets bayside is restoring, rejuvenating, and healing.

Walking in moss in bare feet is pure delight.

Trees communicate if we are listening.

We can have deep dive conversations about our humanity that do not require resolution.

God is everywhere, interweaving, interconnecting species, matter, and consciousness, fully participating in the ongoing creation of the universe.

Music grounds bodies and opens hearts.

Resting, napping, playing, dancing, singing, snacking and sharing are not merely pre-school activities, but life long practices for fully embodying our humanity

This list will never be complete.


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