My Cup Overflows!
Relationships matter more than anything to me. Authentic real, honest and open. I am so blessed to find myself continually surrounded by amazing people that are willing to show up […]
When Fear Shows up On the Path.
I have been really struggling with anxiety and depression the last several months. So much self doubt showing up. Doubt in myself and the path that has chosen me. The […]
Whole hearted Living!
How do we show up wholehearted in a chaotic broken world. This troubled, grieving, fragile planet. Where angry voices shout and no one can be heard. Where senseless acts of […]
My Rebel Yell! Radical Acts of Rebellion.
“Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic self-hood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we […]
Life as spiritual practice: Kayaking as contemplative practice
Working in the healing arts more and more I find my life less compartmentalized. Working more from home and expanding our already welcoming space to house more workshops, gatherings […]
Living With Your Heart Wide Open in these Times of Separation and Fear
“ Playfully you hid from me. All day I looked. Then I discovered I was you, and the celebration of That began.” Lalla Accepting the invitation that is freely given […]
Taking it to the the next level! Bring it on!
It is approaching one year ago that my position in Integrative Medicine and Director of Planetree Services was eliminated at Windber Medical Center. It was a job that I loved. […]
Life is a fast moving train and a slow tedious crawl and everything inbetween
The outside world and my life seem sometimes to be this iron horse of a steam engine train with tons of raggedy, rattling boxcars adorned with urban art that flashes […]
Every Day is New. The Yoga of Life.
As a species, we love certainty. We want things to make sense, for life to be orderly, to follow our well laid out plans. Many of us take […]
Compassion and Skillful Action
My practice of yoga extends far beyond my mat. That is where the journey begins but certainly, at least for me does not end. There is a sense espiecally as […]