Ahimsa & Satya. Fierce Tenderness

  Cancel culture cloaked in self righteousness is easy to access. It is this reactive, defensive mode that is readily available to most of us (including me for full transparency). […]

Holy Week 2023

Jesus wept. This is the shortest verse in the Bible. John 11, verse 35.    This is the story where Jesus is grieving due to the death of his friend […]

Longing & Light

  6:50 AM. The morning light is slowly brightening through the orange curtains into my yoga space, formerly my home studio. Prior to this slow turning toward the sun, in […]

Wellness & Peace in a Chaotic, Violent World

Here we are at the threshold of holiday season. Earlier this week, on the eve of Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day acknowledging the violence against and murder of Transgender […]

Blessing for Teachers

The rolling hills of Northern Appalachia reached saturation of green well over a month ago, and the Tulip Poplar trees now show hints of various shades of yellow on their […]

Random Thoughts and Ramblings

Random Thoughts and Ramblings: I love that Gen Z is falling in love with Kate Bush. I could care less about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. My early summer perennial […]

Paying Attention to Dreams.

I walk in the dark night, staying next to buildings lest I cast a shadow. Seeking to blend my footsteps into the rhythm of the subtle night sounds, traffic, other […]

International Women’s Day 2022

  “What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.” ― Muriel Rukeyser   The International Women’s Day (March 8) celebrates the […]

Embodied Prayers for Peace in the World

Greed can and may destroy this planet. It is the greatest weapon of mass destruction humans employ. It devastates the Earth and destroys the life of the soul. Like many […]