Paying Attention to Dreams.
I walk in the dark night, staying next to buildings lest I cast a shadow. Seeking to blend my footsteps into the rhythm of the subtle night sounds, traffic, other […]
Hybrid Life: My Virtual Reality
This past Saturday, hosting a petition signing for a friend to get on the Democratic ballot for State Rep, our tea kettle remained on the whole day while folks gathered […]
Threshold Musings
. January 26th. Night descends around 5:30 pm. I sit at my desk wrapped in wool from head to toe. I wrap my hands around my large tea mug to […]
A friend posted this a few days back and it captured perfectly my sense of myself and the current state of affairs in January 2022 two years fully into […]
Wholehearted Instructions for the New Year
Wholehearted Instructions for The New Year Wrap yourself in fierce tenderness. Perhaps a hand-knit shawl, a sweet song, a hug, a dog’s face sniffing and licking your tears, or the […]
The Medicine of Tenderness
WHEN THE HOLY THAWS A woman’s body, like the earth, has seasons; when the mountain stream flows, when the holy thaws,when I am most fragile and in need, it […]
What I Am Learning These Days
What I am Learning These Days It is okay not to be okay. These are rough times. The uncertainty present moving forward in the seemingly never ending season of Covid, […]
My Autumn List for Wellbeing!
I enjoy lists. Not merely for tasks, but also to remind myself to prioritize relationships and wellness. Discovering Bullet Journaling in 2018 led me into a whole different realm of […]
Nominations for NOBEL MENOPAUSE!
Raise your hand if you went through menopause during the dumpster fire of the current times and recent past. Keep your hand raised if you want a parade ceremony […]
Tenderness and Empowerment: Practices of Renewal and Restoration
Speak to the hard, numb, raw, vulnerable and painful sensations in your body Witness these with an offering of words lacking the harshness of judgement, usher in the sweet, sweet […]