We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home

People walking toward light with the words overhead. We are all just walking each other home

We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home. Music for the Journey I enter into the dimly light room. The patient is curled up in the fetal position, his breath […]

Everything is Broken. Everything is Beautiful.

Everything is Broken. Everything is Beautiful. (Susan Cain) Sitting in the spaciousness of brokenness and beauty. Brokenness is everywhere. Gaza. Sudan Democratic Republic of the Congo Political Polarization. Our world […]

Living In Love.

Mural on the side of a square building with shades of blue in the background and black block letters that read Love Out Loud

Living in Love Living in love Fear is so easily available to us. It is a primal response for survival. It can be helpful and inform and guide how we […]

MLK Day – Non-Violence & Yoga

Love Love is gravity, the primordial force of bonding that drives the ongoing  creation of the universe. Our liberation is bound together by natural and spiritual truths. Today, on the […]

Sankalpa: Intentions & The New Year

Metal art sculptures of silhouettes in a field

Sankalpa- Connecting to the Deepest Desire of Your Heart   My Realization of the Power of Intention Ten years ago I had the job I believed I would do for […]

Morning in Kathmandu: Peace & Devotion

Morning in Kathmandu     We rose before dawn. Roosters crowed and cows mooed as we walked in the brisk morning air through the green walled streets of Budhalinkantha. The […]

Letting Go -Aparagraha- A Practice for Autumn

Letting Go – Aparagraha – A Practice for Autumn.   Often, I find myself carrying constriction/tightness/tension in my body for no apparent reason. It could be the mid to high […]

The Power of Ritual

On a perfect late summer evening, spread out on the grass on all sides of the pavilion, people stood in clusters carefully opening the envelopes that held painted lady butterflies. […]