



The Voice.

Her voice. Raw. Unfiltered.

What did you feel when you first heard this voice?

I heard the ancestral cry of Irishwomen.

I heard the sound of someone burning as brightly as the Sun and as equally familiar with the dark side of the Moon.

How does one live with that level of intensity and what does one do?

Well, Sinead sang.

She unapologetically inhabited her voice and through that voice spoke to rage and injustice as well as fierce tenderness and a yearning for God.

She struggled to do life in the world that was never for the likes of strong women who could pierce the sky with a note of clear truth and split the earth open with a growl from the wounds that never heal when not mentioned/repaired/tended.

Sinead, May You Rest in Power

May You Rest in Peace

May the World Remember Your Rage/Pain/Tenderness/Bravery

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