Whole Hearted Living in Chaotic Times #0006

Following the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, we invite you to continue our practice of widening the circumference of love. We live in challenging times and hope that today’s mediation and […]

Widening Our Circumference of Love- #0004

This episode we will share a Loving Kindness Mediation. We would like to invite you to expand the sphere of who we love and be uncompromising in bringing justice to […]

Love Songs for Survivors- #0003

In light of the sexual assault cases receiving attention across the country, and more recently the verdict of Dr. Nassar assaulting hundreds of young American athletes, we are addressing this […]

Introduction- Three Point Practice- #0001

This is the Pilot episode of 814 Grounded Podcast. We hope to offer practices for activists and those who facilitate practices of healing and restoration some tools for these trying […]

Remember Who You Are

  It is so easy to forget who I am. It is my default mode when I lack awareness and presence to navigate on shifting sand and become so consumed […]