What is Your Medicine?

What is Your Medicine?

What words are holding you right now?

What songs are you walking with on the journey?

How do you build capacity for the intensity of these times without bypass and without getting swallowed whole?

Where do you feel regulated, nourished? What place/space and with who?

These are the questions I lean into and it is an ongoing practice to work with these types of medicine.

So here is my medicine? What is yours? Please share!

What words are holding you right now?

I am rereading

If Women Rose Rooted

What songs are you walking with on the journey?

This is my listening practice this week.

My singing practice currently includes The Standing Stone song by Maggie Wheeler, Element chants I write and songs I make up about my dog Little Man.

How do you build capacity for the intensity of these times without bypass and without getting swallowed whole?

This is delicate and not always balanced equally.

I keep informed. Titrating how I receive my news. I prefer to read articles that are well researched and listen to podcasts.

Being realistic about what is in my capacity to do and at the same time, not turning away from the suffering of Beings and the planet. There is more in our capacity to address what is within our reach when we seek awareness and clarity.

Honoring the grief for this world as sacred and cultivating the other side of compassion, which is joy. This is medicine to combat business as usual and cynicism.

I Cultivate Joy by: Walking, journaling, Yoga, Meditation, connection to nature, reading. Communicating with family and having real, honest, open conversations with family and friends. Sharing challenges as well as joys. Working with my therapist to identify unhealthy patterns and doing the oh so hard, but ultimately necessary work of unpacking samskaras.

Where do you feel regulated, nourished? What place/space and with who?

I feel more regulated and nourished when I am in the company of folx who allow vulnerability, that are not seeking perfection, but authenticity. I feel regulated and nourished around trees, friendly dogs, my husband, libraries, anywhere with lots of books, my sisters, my grandchildren.

What is Your Medicine?

Invite Awareness/Clarity/Discipline/Compassion/Love into the mix.

Interested in support in personalizing your wellbeing?

Let Me Know!


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